Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Merry Whatever...

Season's Greetings!

I don't know about you, but I LOVE Christmas. It's a time where people are more thoughtful, kids behave better, and I get to shop... I like to shop! 😂 So, I've been excited about making some Christmas themed cards and have been having visions on a snow globe card for like 2 years. Well, I finally did it!

The new "Merry Whatever" set from Kindred Stamps felt like the perfect set to make my vision come to life. I began by watercoloring the images and fussy cutting them out. Next, I took watercolor paper and created a blue sky with lots of different blues and trial and error in blending them. After that dried, I took white watercolor paint and splattered it over the blue to create falling snow. 

I used the Jaded Blossom Snow Globe Die set to create my snow globe. After I cut out my sky using the die, I added a layer of snow to the bottom to create a ground for the images to stand on. After that dried, I added them with the dog positioned a bit in front to add some depth!

I built my snow globe then cut out the tag and background layer in a nice bright red cardstock. I took the "Merry Whatever" sentiment and cut the words apart to allow me to fit them on the tag, thankfully my MISTI makes positioning words onto a small tag a breeze. I added small black enamel dots to cover the holes on either side of the tag. 

I layered it all onto a nice mossy green card base to really give it a Christmas feel. I added some small iridescent snowflakes to the sky and some Honey Bee small clear sequins below their feet to really give that snow globe feel. 

My next card using "Merry Whatever" was super quick and easy! I did a "quick" watercolor on these two friends, not stressing so much about lines or adding depth, just laying down the color. I did add a little pink to the green fellow's cheeks to make it appear he was blushing. I also quick watercolored the heart stamp. 

The images I fussy cut with a bit of a border, I didn't want to stress so much about them being perfect and think they came out super cute honestly. I popped the heart onto the green fellow's chest with a foam adhesive square to complete the image.

I recently added the Kindred Stamps Medallion Stencil to my stash and wanted to play with it. I blended Catherine Pooler Rockin' Red Ink over the stencil, adding multiple thick layers. Next, I took Catherine Pooler Icing on The Cake ink and brushed it lightly over the edges of the paper. 

I put the two friends towards the center of the card, the green guy I glued down, the pup I used a foam square for. I stamped the "Holidays are Ruff" sentiment some green paper and just kept it a simple strip popped with foam adhesive.

The entire Kindred Stamps November release will be available Friday, November 29th at 8am PST/11am EST. Be sure to subscribe to the Kindred Stamps blog to see a daily line up of sneak peeks from our amazing Design Team and see the full product release on Friday! Come join the Fan Club and release event to be part of the release fun, and you may just win some Kindred Stamps credit!!

Hopefully, you enjoyed my cards, I would love to hear what kind of cards are your favorite to make? Simple and easy or more complex and time consuming? Leave me your answer and a good email address to be entered into my drawing for a $10 Kindred Stamps Gift Certificate! 

Thank you so much for visiting me, and I hope your holidays are absolutely magical and filled with love!

~R. Winn


  1. I love your snowglobe! This set is one of my favs so far by Kindred Stamps! My favorite card to make is SHAKERS!

  2. Cute cards. Love the snow globe. I usually make simple and easy cards. slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  3. Adorable cards! Adorable stamp set!

  4. I love making detailed cards! The more details the better!

  5. Really cute impatiently waiting on stamps.

  6. Love your projects! Can't wait until Friday to order my set!

  7. Wow, those are so fantastic. I love those characters.

  8. Most of the time I like to make detailed cards with lots of elements, but I have to admit with the holidays coming up I feel like I have less time to "play" making my cards so I have been making cards that are less time consuming.

  9. I love complicated time consuming cards!

  10. I love both your cards, though the snowglobe one is my favorite.

  11. I love the snow globe card. Good job!

  12. I love both your cards, thanks for sharing! I'd like to say, I love to make simple cards, however my style always morphs into intricate complicated cards! If I really want something simple, I have to C.A.S.E one!

  13. Fabulous card hun xx

  14. Your cards are gorgeous. I love to make to make movement cards. My email is

  15. The more complex the card, the more I like it! And I totally love your water-colored cards, I swear my heart grew 3 times looking at them - I may need to try watercoloring, and the globe is gorgeous!

  16. Adorable cards! Love that fun snow globe scene!
    Simple and easy is a style I like a lot! I occasionally more involved cards, but most are of the simple variety!
